For New Clients - Posting Higher Education Jobs
If you have never posted a job with AcademicKeys before, you may find these
instructions helpful.
To begin posting a job, click the Yes, I'm a New User
button on the job posting login page. This will bring you to the 'Post Jobs'
Posting Your Job
Choose a Post/Price Option: Select one of our posting
options by clicking on the corresponding radio button. These options include
a posting with or without inclusion in our e-Flier, and reduced rates for
multiple job announcements. For detailed descriptions of all of our
posting/price options see: What does it cost?
Enter Job Description: Fill in the job description form,
including the location of the job (institution, department, city, state,
& country), the type of position (Professor, Dean, etc.), and the
academic field. The actual job description text can be cut & pasted into
the form. All of the items marked with an asterisk in this section must be
filled in to proceed.
Enter Job Contact Information: The job contact is usually the person
or committee to whom the application materials are sent, and from whom the
applicant can request further information. It should be noted that the
contact does not have to be in the same department or even at the same
institution as the position itself. For example, a job search firm might be
the contact for a job. Again, items marked with an asterisk must be filled
After you have finished filling in the information on this page, click on
the Continue button, which brings up a confirmation page.
This page displays a summary of the data that you have entered.
If you need to make corrections, click the Back button on
your web browser to return to the previous page and make any necessary
If the information is correct, click the Submit button at
the bottom of the page.
Enter Client Contact Information
As a first-time client, you must provide your client data. This information
MUST be completed before the job announcement can be approved and become
viewable on our site. You only have to provide this information the first
time you post a job.
This information is required so that we can contact you if there are any
concerns or questions about the job announcement that you have posted. We
also need this information for invoicing/billing (unless it is a free
posting - post doc and graduate students). Please note that the Client
contact is not necessarily the same as the Job contact.
The first section of this form requires that you enter both a 'Username' and
a 'Password'. Be sure to record these so that in the future you can log in
and edit your posting, change your client data, or post additional job
Towards the bottom of the form, you can provide an additional contact for
billing purposes. This is only necessary if the additional contact is
different from the client.
When this form is completed, select the Continue button to
bring up the confirmation page. Again, if anything needs to be corrected,
click the Back button on your web browser to return to the
previous page; otherwise, click on the Submit button to
record the data.
You will then see a final confirmation page. At this point the job has been
entered into our database, and will be available for viewing by our users
after it has been approved (usually within several hours).
From this page, you can Exit, Go to the Home Page, or Continue to add
additional job announcements.
After posting a new job, you will be invoiced shortly thereafter for the
posting option that you selected. Note: Job Announcements for post-docs and
graduate students are free of charge.
If you wish to receive a formal quote before entering the job online,
please contact us with a request.
For Existing Clients - Post Higher Education Jobs
For Existing Clients - Posting Jobs
If you have posted a job previously on any of the AcademicKeys sites, you
have already entered your client information, and you have established a
Username and Password. You can use this information to login and post
additional jobs.
After logging in, you will see a welcome screen that lists any active jobs
that you have posted with
You may edit or delete any of the jobs shown. You may also extend the time
period for a position which has not been filled, and for which the
four-month job posting period has expired or is close to expiring. However,
you cannot extend a job that was duplicated from an original posting to be
viewed on an additional site.
From this page, you can also proceed to enter a new job by clicking the
Post New Job button at the bottom of the page.
Posting a new job is identical to the procedure used previously, except that
you will not have to re-enter your client information.
Post a Higher Education Job
What Are Active Contracts?
If you have previously posted jobs with us, and selected a posting option
that allows for posting multiple jobs (e.g. the five-job rate, or the
unlimited jobs for one academic year), you may use this option to post a
new job. This is called an 'Active Contract'. We currently have two types
of multiple-job contracts: one is for a specific number of jobs with no time
limits, and the other is for an unlimited number of jobs in a single
academic year.
After logging in and selecting the Post New Job button,
you will see that any active contract that you currently have is already
selected (assuming that you have only one active contract).
To post a new job using your 'Active Contract', merely fill in the job
description form and press the Continue button to bring up the
confirmation page. Again, if anything needs to be corrected, you may click
the Back button on your web browser to return to the
previous page; otherwise, click on the Submit button to record the data.
The new job posting will automatically be subtracted from the number of
remaining postings on your contract. However, if you have an active contract
for unlimited jobs for the current academic year, you will not see any
indication of jobs remaining.
At this point the job is entered into our database, and will be available
for viewing by our users after it has been approved (usually within several
hours). Because this is an existing contract, no further charges will be