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  • Administrative Liaison, SEAS Dean's Office
    SEAS Dean's Office
    University at Buffalo, The State University of New York


    The incumbent will be assigned to a SEAS department with a vacancy to assist with administrative tasks in the absence of a regular staff member, and while a search is being conducted. Assignments will include supporting financial processes (procurement, bookkeeping, etc.), student support (meeting with students, processing appointments, answering questions, etc.) and human resources (initiating eptf’s, assisting with faculty and/or staff searches, providing support for faculty reappointments and tenure decisions, etc.). These tasks will be varied and dependent on department need. The incumbent is expected to sit within the footprint of the department they’re assigned to, providing in-person support whenever practicable.

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    The incumbent will provide on-going support within the SEAS Dean’s Office by assisting with procurement orders and processing volunteer appointments. 



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